The Museum Collections
Historical Archives
Global Artists Collection
We hand select the worlds top tattoo artist to create the largest collection of fine art tattoos on human flesh ever assembled. Our Pro Team includes artist from throughout the world that are at the top of the game.
Historical Archive
Along with our modern tattoo flesh galleries we will be showcasing skins and tattoo objects from throughout human history. The historical collection will show off skins as well as the equipment and art that has made tattooing what it is today.

The Bogdanov
The largest family collection of tattoo skins ever.
We are establishing the largest artist archive of fine art masterpieces on actual human flesh that the world has ever seen all by one family name. Art immortality redefined. We are the Bogdanov's and these are the people who have collected our artistic tattoos. These are the collectors that will be joining the Bogdanov family in our quest. These are not just the tattoos we have done but rather people who have donated their skin to the museum upon their death. These are or will be the first humans to be showcased in the Beyond The Flesh Museum.
My name is Peter Bogdanov, and this is Beyond - The Flesh Museum
Father & Son
Peter and Isaiah Bogdanov are in the process of adding all of our current collectors involved in the museum to the above Bogdanov Archive. However, if you are our client and you have not signed up to be included, please reach out today.
Global Artists Collection
The Company That We Keep
Beyond - The Flesh Museum’s legacy will be further secured by the company we keep. The concept can not be contained by a single artist or family. It will be our purpose to build, maintain and be at the forefront of fine art masters learning to collect, archive and curate these tattooed skins.
Beyond - The Flesh Museum will change our time in human history as works of art on human flesh become the ultra currency of the fine art world. The museum will build an artist pro team of the worlds most well know tattoo artists and we will facilitate the collection of their client skins as well adding an additional 1,500 human skins within our first 10 years of operation.
The Global Team
The Beyond The Flesh Museum is looking to bring together the best artist in the world to pursue the largest art collection of tattooed skins ever presented. If you are a top level artist with astounding work reach out today to request membership.

Frequently Asked Questions
When will the museum exhibit open to the public?
Third Quarter 2026
Can any tattoo artists get involved?
Yes, our tattoo preservation services are available to most qualified tattooists.
Can anyone have their tattoos preserved?
Most tattoos done professionally can be preserved and yes, you can have your tattoos preserved.
How do I become a Pro Team Artist?
If you can present a highly advanced portfolio you can apply online here.
Can I become a partner or vendor?
We are seeking qualified business partners and vendors for a variety of positions.
When will the DocuSeries or Movie be coming out and where can I watch?
Our video projects will be available in 2024 and 2025 and our streaming partners will be announced well in advance.
Do Pro Team Artists make money with the museum?
Yes, our artists receive both profit sharing benefits as well as sales commission's on clients who sign up for preservations.
Do Skin In The Game donors receive benefits?
Yes, and tattoo client that enters a tattoo donation into the museum is qualified for profit sharing. This is an investment as well as a place in history.